Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Signs of Sanity

Stick to the brightest hopes,
Shatter the darkest fears,
Shine like a radiant star,

Seek for the willful wisdom,
Strike down the walls of ignorance,
Stride into the world of change,

Stand by the side of truth,
Splinter the shackle of lies,
Shape up a sagacious future,

Stall the bleed of cynical thoughts,
Slay the beast that spoils the mind,
Start afresh a new chapter in life,

State the rules that are safe to play,
Shun from the path that spells dismay,
Signs of goodwill never lead astray,

Sow the hearts with seeds of might,
Stem the brutal trade of slaves,
Streak through the skies of freedom,

Sing the song of prosper and peace,
Silence the guns of sinful wars,
Save the lives of innocent and poor,

Speak the universal language of love,
Seal the doors of horrible hatred,
See the world united forever.