Sunday, June 30, 2013

I endure every single thorn,
Hoping for my life,
Those beautiful roses to adorn,
Pain of betrayal is hard to bear,
Living in the dark past will only deepen my mourn,
Burden of failure may slow me down,
I hold on to what I believe under the rain of wrong,
Dampened is my skin, not my spirit,
I endure ignoring every evil warn,
Carrying my hopes unscathed braving the arduous odds,
My days of glory are yet to be born.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Orison to God

In this journey of my life,
At milestone thirty one,

The portrait of my reminiscence mostly paints,
Scenes of being battered, bruised and badly overrun,

I understand, amiable strides ahead,
Perhaps are equal to none,

Nevertheless God, I write this song,
Because I’m not yet done,

Heed to my pious pleas,
When I wither to weather those stormy seas,

Be my gracious guide,
When I shiver to sail past that tumultuous tide,

Protect my precious pride,
When I drop my defenses open wide,

Be my eternal eyes,
When I go blind to those blatant lies,

Reduce my palpable pain,
When I valiant vandals and fail in vain,

Be my fervent fire,
When I assay to acquire that burning desire,

Drive my human hunger,
When I try to do some good to linger,

Be my sacrosanct soul,
When I lose my heart to a burning hole,

Bestow me that sagacious strength,
When I blast through those barriers of fathomless length,

Oh lasting light! Absolve my sins, mercy my mess,
Accept my gratitude, for those glimpses of happiness,

God, the artisan of my life’s ploy,
Paint my journey with shades of joy.

Monday, February 14, 2011


The poem titled "Sensual Love" contains mature subject matter and is suitable for adults only. Viewer discretion is advised.

Sensual Love

A seductive foreplay,
Listen to what our bodies have to say,

As we close in tight, skin to skin,
To explore this blissful sin,

Feel that physical and emotional rush,
Feeding our senses with an inexplicable gush,

As the rhythm of making love intensifies our sensual ploys,
Perceive our lustful bodies move with graceful poise,

A delightful battle ensues inside our body and mind,
For those orgasmic answers, our unification craves to find.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Survive the Storm

When you’re caught in an unfortunate storm,
It’s hard to find the way back home,
When its pitch dark and perilously cold,
You barely know what the path ahead behold,

Feel lost by this temporal blind,
Anger will rise to ambush you from behind,
When answers in the dark are hard to find,
Listen to your inner light for a new path to define,

Truth may be obscured by cold blooded lies,
But no one can ever see its eventual demise,
Muster a mighty heart against this barbarous blight,
Never let it to thwart your precious plight,

Don’t ever lose even a slightest hope,
When you climb against the steepest slope,
Just hang in there, even at the verge of disarray,
You will survive, and the storm will pass away.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Signs of Sanity

Stick to the brightest hopes,
Shatter the darkest fears,
Shine like a radiant star,

Seek for the willful wisdom,
Strike down the walls of ignorance,
Stride into the world of change,

Stand by the side of truth,
Splinter the shackle of lies,
Shape up a sagacious future,

Stall the bleed of cynical thoughts,
Slay the beast that spoils the mind,
Start afresh a new chapter in life,

State the rules that are safe to play,
Shun from the path that spells dismay,
Signs of goodwill never lead astray,

Sow the hearts with seeds of might,
Stem the brutal trade of slaves,
Streak through the skies of freedom,

Sing the song of prosper and peace,
Silence the guns of sinful wars,
Save the lives of innocent and poor,

Speak the universal language of love,
Seal the doors of horrible hatred,
See the world united forever.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sands of Time

A complex power,
Use it wisely,
As per the need of the hour,

Irrecoverable in everyone’s life,
Cutout better deals,
With the sharpness of this holy knife,

Put to better use, this priceless gold,
Dedicate it to knowledge, love and labor,
And make sure your future is not cold,

A god in disguise
Ingrain it in mind,
Honor it by heart,

For it has the power to,
Engrave your past,
Engage you with the present,
Emphasize your future.